Toxins in a Box

January, 2020 update
Another quick photo update to keep up with the times. A full on silver fox now!
February 5th, 2014
I have been wearing a lot of hats and scarves lately.
Well, truth be told, I always have actually, so most likely folks that know me have not noticed. But there is an added reason for my head coverings these days, outside of style and flair (wink). You see, I am going for it. Taking the plunge. Being courageous. Being me.I am letting my gray hair grow in. Yes, I am. OHMYGOD.
So, here is the deal - I have been thinking about this for years. Every time my roots got a bit out of hand, I would think, "Maybe now? Maybe now is the time I let it all hang out and just be me?" Then I would look good and hard at my roots, hold them down to see exactly HOW gray I would be. How 'old' it would make me look. How much different I would look. And then, the next day I would truck on over to Whole Foods Market and buy a new box of organic herbal hair dye.
What the hell was I thinking? About five years ago I mentioned it in passing to my husband who said 'Why don't you wait until your at least 60?" I then mentioned it to my hairdresser, who in a horrified tone said: "You don't want to do THAT". That was the end of that, for the time being. Every so often I would see a beautiful woman out and about with beautiful gray hair. Stunning, Confident. I would think. I want to look AND FEEL like that when the time comes. I recently even asked my mom. LaVerne, what she thought. My beautiful mom colored her hair (BLONDE!) until she was 83. You know what she said?
She told me to wait until I was 83.
But still...The thought of not having to dye my hair, less major chore to do every six weeks. Even more, the thought of just being ME. The ME that I have become. The ME at almost 49. Would I still be attractive? Would I still look younger than my years? I didn't know.
The uncertainty was enough to buy that herbal box of organic hair color, again.
Yet, I have been concerned about the chemical soup that is hair dye. I conscientiously use products on my skin, body and in my household with-out chemicals and harsh ingredients. I research and read labels. And then I put the worst of the worst on my scalp, repeatedly throughout the year, and have been for decades.Is it worth it? I have my doubts.
My final decision came after reading "Not Just A Pretty Face, the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry" by Stacy Malkan. Here is what I learned: Women that use hair dye have a 50% higher risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (results can be found in a study by The National Cancer Institute); the FDA released a study of talcum powder and found that of the 40 powders tested, 39 contained asbestos, a known carcinogen; for years cosmetologists have complained of unusual numbers of headaches, memory loss, respiratory problems, nervousness, and so on, and as a result, the government tested and evaluated 2983 chemicals used in the manufacture of cosmetic products and found: 1.884 were toxic; 2.376 were connected to skin and eye irritation; 3.314 could cause biological mutations; 4.778 chemicals related to acute toxicity; 5.214 could affect the reproductive system. Sigh. The proverbial last straw. So, about two months ago, I took the plunge. I did not buy that box of organic herbal hair color at Whole Foods Market.It is time for me to walk the walk.
I have to say, I do miss my shiny auburn hair. The way it would just pop and swing right after I colored it. I still look in the mirror and hold my roots down to see what I am beginning to look like. AM I looking more my age? Time will tell. I will keep you posted. But one thing for sure, boy, do I feel FREE!
See part 2 of Toxins in a Box here.