Pink, Yellow and Green Concealer and Color Correctors all in one portable package.
Some choices are just so tough.
For instance, which concealer/color corrector to choose?
Sometimes the answer is more than one.
I call our concealers and color correctors the lingerie wardrobe of mineral makeup.
They are usually worn underneath your foundation (your basic ‘dress’ if you will) and you often need more than one color or type.
Perhaps you have brown spots, and some redness and a bit of purple discoloration?
Or, you occasionally break out (grab your Green Concealer) and often need a bit of brightness under your eyes (Pink Concealer is calling your name) and there is that birthmark you might want to conceal (go Yellow Concealer).
Here is the solution. Get all three!
"I can actually communicate with your company; Lisa is so personable and friendly...a real treat these days!" Loretta S.
"I totally love the concealers...they meet my needs and I can't tell they are there." Bea RK
Powder concealers cover and conceal with a smooth, water-resistant finish.
They also give you the flexibility of mixing with your favorite lotion or cream to make a cream concealer, when desired.
Don't be afraid to try more than one! These gentle concealers can be your best friends.
- Find more tips on how to use Mineral Concealers
- And All About Color Correctors
I personally guarantee you will love your new and improved skin with and without makeup after using Simple Beauty Minerals and Simple Beauty Skin.
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