Do You Find This Insulting?

Pretty, yes. Stock photo, yes. Photo shopped, yes. Wearing our brand? NO!
October 2015 UPDATE: LOTS to share! Find out more here and learn about our #DontTouchThatUp movement and how YOU can join us!
October 2014 UPDATE: We have had our second on-site photo shoot, wrapping up with our final models - all ages and ethnicities represented. We hope to introduce them to you soon!
July 2014 UPDATE: we have had our first on-site photo shoot, with local customers as our models. Great fun! Lot's to share, more to be unveiled soon...
Would you support a makeup brand that offered honest marketing? Right down to the photos of real women on the website?
Today, I have a story (or perhaps a rant?), and a question for you.
Story first - I am in the process of re-designing the home page for our website. (Ah-hem. When I say "I" am re-designing the website, I mean "we', as in my web designers. NOT a skill-set I can take on), and the first draft was sent to me for review. Wow. It was gorgeous. Eye Popping. With every feature we would want, right at our fingertips.
Pretty Girl?
The most attractive feature was an image of a gorgeous young woman peering out at me, very subtly suggesting that I too, could look like her, if only I wore Simple Beauty Minerals makeup. (But wait...I do wear SBM! But I digress). The photo of the pretty girl really made the home page look fabulous. So I promptly told my designer.. "No. Remove the pretty girl."
Now, I realize faces of pretty girls sell makeup. So, why on earth would I say no to the pretty girl? Here's why:
- Most of the pretty faces you see on makeup sites, are not actually wearing the brands makeup. Many are 'stock' photos that are purchased by the cosmetic company for use on their websites. I do not want to be a 'stock' business.
- They are also photo-shopped, so no woman, ever, could really look that perfect. Say goodbye to self-esteem.
- How often do you see pretty ladies past the age of twenty, modeling cosmetics? What about the rest of us beauties?
I just can not do it. I can not lie to you.
When I place a pretty lady on our website, she will be wearing our brand - Simple Beauty Minerals. And, her features won't be photo-shopped. I want this to be a home for real women, of all ages and skin tones. Wearing our brand; Simple Beauty Minerals. (This is no easy feat for a small solopreneur, and I am going out on a limb here. More on this later, as I fill you in on our plan for continued honest marketing.)
Now The Question -
Is this an important issue to you? Could you get behind a brand that supported real women, actually wearing the makeup the ad is promoting? Or, am I just being unnecessarily stubborn?
So, this is where you come in...
Tell me, directly to my inbox, what do you think? If you have a friend who would appreciate this post, please share it with her. In fact, spread this around. Share it on your favorite social sites. Ask other women in your life, sisters, daughters, aunties, to share their opinions with me as well.
I want to hear from all of you!
By the way, I shared this story with my newsletter subscribers, and here a few of their love notes:Hi Lisa, I love your stance of only posting photos of women who are actually wearing your makeup! One of my pet peeves is Mascara Commercials: the models are always most definitely wearing fake eyelashes! What a scam! Keep up the good work. Meghan P.
I am very very happy about your decision to keep your site natural. I think it is an inspiration to women that we are beautiful even with our flaws. I know that when I look at the other makeup adds I feel somewhat depressed because I know that I will never look that perfect! Kudos to you Lisa!! Keep up the good work!!! Ami W. MI.
I absolutely agree with you. How can anyone falsely sell a product like that. Have beautiful women on their ad that isn't even wearing what they are selling! Disgusting and deceitful. Thank you for sharing that! You are awesome! Pam A.
Absolutely REAL WOMEN- perhaps women already using your line.
hint, my daughter, lol/
I am a new subscriber and soon to be customer. This email sealed the deal. I know now that I am in the company of a woman who is genuine, kind, honest and up-front, with a high spiritual presence.
This level of care is uncommon in most businesses now. I know with your quality of care for your customers and your acknowledgment of their true beauty, you will succeed.I am honored by your decision not to use a stock photo on your website. I hope you can feature different women, all sizes and ages, as your models. It would be refreshing to see true beauty.Warmest regards and blessings, Sue V. AZ.
Stock photos = :p
Professional quality photos of women actually sporting your products is much more compelling, Anna C. CA.
I cannot say enough how much I love and respect you!! Especially for this move! I have been trying to write a post about my absolute aggravation with pretty people in ads. I feel that using stock photos and photo-shopped versions of photos is false advertising. It has the further detrimental effect of making us feel like we are not pretty enough/good enough etc unless we look Just. Like. Her. It’s taken a long time for me to open my eyes to that fully, and I don’t want my daughter buying into that nonsense. I applaud your rejection of the photo model wholeheartedly!!!!!! Your site will be absolutely fabulous without a stock photo! Thank you for being real, for being open, and for being so truthful. Simple IS beautiful. You are a rock star in my book!! Now I’m off to write my post since you’ve just inspired me some more. Lori M. LA.