Foundation Shade Finder - Find Your Best Match

It's all about keeping things simple here - and our Foundation Shade Finder helps you do just that.
Not only is our Foundation Shade Finder a fabulous tool to help you figure out where to start with all of our 33+ foundation shades and 4 formulas, to find your perfect match, it’s a super simple and straightforward tool! We’re all about keeping things simple here– and we know you are, too! So, in the spirit of simplicity, we wanted to throw together a quick blog post walking you through just how easy it *is* to find your perfect Simple Beauty Minerals foundation shade and formula with our beloved Foundation Shade Finder!It Looks Like This
The first question you will see goes something like this…
Not Sure About Warm, Cool or Neutral?
If you aren’t quite sure, never fear! Just click the last option, and it will bring you to a great little write-up of all our best and most foolproof tips for figuring out where exactly your skin tone falls. Just click the last option, and it will bring you to a great little write-up of all our best and most foolproof tips for figuring out where exactly your skin tone falls.
(Hey, psst! You can even get some picture examples of real life warm and cool skin toned beauties in this post right here that is also all about how to take the guesswork out & easily figure out which skin tone you have!) Once you can answer with confidence whether you are a warm, cool, or neutral skin toned beauty, just click “next” and you can move on to the next question!
The Depth of Your Skin Tone?
This one is pretty straightforward, so just select the general range that best describes where you fall (if you’re not sure, you can always hit the “back” button to change your answer after you see your recommendations if you think they are looking a little too dark or light!)
And, voìla! There you have a whole page of foundation shade recommendations! Now, here’s where you can pick out the shades that you think are the closest match– and then pick out your try-before-you-buy foundation samples that we will send straight to you so that you can test them out from the comfort of your very own home!
(Check out this post we did on how to do the “stripe test” to easily find out which foundation is your very own personal match made in heaven foundation shade!) Still not sure of which foundation formula is right for your skin? We have a post for that, too! Just click here and then scroll through to learn more about each of our 3 fabulous loose mineral foundations (& how to apply them!)
Oh! And last but not least, you’ll want to have the right tools so that you can apply your new foundation flawlessly– something that a clean, high-quality foundation brush is absolutely essential for! And what do you know, we covered that in a post just last week ;)
Love Liquid Foundation?
Have we got something for you!
Abby is a photographer and blogger who never says no to a hot cup of tea or a new shade of lipstick. She lives in Monterey, CA with her husband where they enjoy hiking, cooking/eating everything vegan, and basically living the (neat and tidy) hippie dream. You can follow her @galaxyandglowworm and @abbyroephoto on instagram, or find her + her organic handmade mineral lipsticks right HERE.
Note from Lisa: I can't wait to help you find your best foundation match!
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