Chia Seeds For Radiant Healthy Skin

Do you want a simple tool in your diet that can help prevent free radical damage, inflammation, and premature aging of the skin? Oh yea!
Teeny Tiny
If you open my fridge, you will see various jars of seeds; hemp, flax, and my new love, the teeny tiny chia seed.
I had this darn baggie of chia seeds in my freezer for months. I bought it, knowing it was super healthy; I just didn't know much else yet. It just sat there looking at me each time I opened the freezer door. What to do with it? I did not have a clue. So, over and over, close the door I would on that baggie of seeds. I had heard somewhere that you used chia seeds differently than flax or hemp. Flax seeds you grind up and sprinkle on everything you can, or bake with them, or make raw crackers. Hemp seeds you also sprinkle over your food, or make hemp milk, or just eat em by the spoonful. But chia seeds...I just wasn't sure.
Eventually, I did my research, and the baggie graduated out of the freezer and into the fridge, into two jars. A jar of dry seeds, to sprinkle, and jar of chia gel to use by the spoonful.
Nutrient Dense
Chia seeds apparently have:
- 3 times the anti-oxidant strength of blueberries
- 5 times the calcium of milk, PLUS, magnesium and boron which aid in the absorption of calcium (key point)
- 2 times the amount of potassium as a banana
- 3 times more iron than spinach
- Rich in healthy omega 3's
- A fabulous source of soluble fiber
- Virtually tasteless, tasting like whatever you add them to
- A plant based complete protein
- Replace half the butter when baking, using chia gel.
- Sprinkle chia seeds on your yogurt or cereal, add them to your smoothies.
- Try this from The Holy Kale (I love that name).
- Or this from Vegetarian Times
Chia Gel Recipe
Warning: My husband wants you to know that chia gel looks gross. :-)
- 4 T chia seeds
- 2 C warm water