Mineral Makeup Beauty Hacks for Beginners

Tips, tricks and secrets = Beauty Hacks!
It’s major beauty hack time here on the Simple Beauty Blog today– and I know you’re as excited as I am for these because come on, who doesn’t love a good tip, trick, or beauty secret? And you’re in luck because this post has all that and more! If you’re new to the world of mineral makeup, it can feel overwhelming at first. It might seem totally different from the beauty products and routines that you are used to– but that doesn’t mean it has to be harder! Mineral makeup is honestly a breeze once you understand what you’re doing (I actually find it way simpler and it’s definitely far more foolproof in the foundation department than most traditional makeup would be) and today’s post is going to give you all you need to know to get started– with confidence! Alright, without any further ado– let’s get into it!
1. Get organized!
This is especially important for mineral makeup, since it’s packaged in a loose powder form which means that if you just throw these babies (and their lids aren't on tight) into a makeup bag and call it quits… they will get everywhere! Even if you make sure the lid is screwed on tight, they will still get all over the inside of the container– especially eyeshadows and brow powders since they don’t have a guard you can snap closed since they are so small. I recommend laying out your “everyday” makeup products that you reach for all the time on a flat surface– if you don’t have a dedicated makeup space to do this, my #1 tip is to get a long, flat basket and lay them out how you like in there– then you can easily stash the basket away wherever you have space to when you are not using them, and yet they stay nicely organized and the powder stays where it should! I do this since our bathroom is pretty small, and it keeps my makeup easy to find, and easy to use!
* Bonus hack #1* When you travel, put your makeup in little ziploc baggies so that if the lids come loose or they get shaken around a lot in case anything comes out it won’t get all over your makeup bag/brushes/other makeup! :)
2. Use the lid.
I have seen a lot of people unsure of how to apply their foundation or blush onto their brush– you don’t want to pick up and swirl product onto the brush directly from the container because you can’t control how much product you are getting onto the brush (and you’ll probably end up with way too much!). There’s an easier way! Just tap the amount of product you want onto the lid (I use more for foundation, less for blush)
Then you just swirl your brush in the lid to get the product on, tap it to get excess off, then buff it into your skin to get that gorgeous mineral glow!
*Bonus hack #2* This is the best way to apply any mineral makeup samples that come in a baggie! Grab a lid, and tap the amount you want out of the baggie– and it’s easy as that!
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3. Use bronzer as blush.
Or blush as bronzer. Or use them both as eyeshadows. You can even make your favorite mineral eyeshadows into nail polish (more on that here) one of the best things about mineral makeup is how incredibly versatile the pigments are– they can be used for just about anything! My #1 SBM product that I could not live without (seriously– I use this every single day in one way or another!) is the Natural Glow Mineral Bronzer. It is my workhorse! And, it’s one of the best purchases I have ever made. I use it for everything from my go-to cheek color, to my everyday eyeshadow, and even my lip color! Best hack ever? You’re welcome ;)
4. Make sure your foundation still matches.
This is a big one. I personally change my foundation pretty regularly– I need to with my skin! In the winter, my English side comes out and gives me much paler skin with a warmer undertone than in the Spring and Summer when the olive tones from my Italian side are much stronger and I tend to naturally get darker from being outside more. It’s not a huge difference– I’m probably the only one who notices– but it’s a big enough difference that my foundations wouldn’t still match my skin which is why I cycle between two different shades depending on the time of year and the state of my complexion! Our best match for foundation can change as we get older, or as the seasons come and go, or any other number of reasons. Read: remember to check if the foundation you are using is still the best match for your skin tone!
*Bonus hack #3: if you want your full-coverage mineral foundation look to outright glow, mist some water over your finished look and let it dry without touching– it will give you seamless coverage and erase any excess powder. I have used this trick so many times, and it’s one of my favorites!
5. Use your old mineral foundation as a concealer!
Well, not really “old” foundation, but if you have an “off-season” foundation (like me!), or maybe you got a sample that is a bit too yellow– you can use it as your under eye concealer! Or, if you have a shade that is too warm for your skin tone, you can use it as a salmon toned concealer under eye as well (if your under eye area is more towards green, a salmon colored concealer is best– if they are more toward purple, then a yellow colored concealer is best!). You can also use it as a neutral eyeshadow (use it as a highlight if it’s too light for your skin, or as a crease color or lid color if it’s too dark!). I personally use my summer foundation (which is more olive-y and has more yellow in it) as an under-eye concealer during the winter months when my skin is too pale to use it all over!
You can check out our full line of mineral foundations available in our Mineral Makeup Starter Sets that come with all the tools you need to get started!
Last, but not Least
6. Last but not least is one of my favorite mineral makeup hacks… Finishing Powder! Finishing powder is the last step of your foundation routine, and it gives you that airbrushed finish that mineral makeup is famous for. It’s the type of thing where you won’t know the difference until you try it– and then once you try it, you’ll never go back! Finishing powder is literally your secret weapon. It smoothes over and softens everything, and creates a flawless finish over your whole face– even if I’m in a rush or don’t want to go through my full foundation routine, I still buff on a bit of finishing powder to soften over it all. I would have to say it’s hands down one of the biggest mineral makeup hacks, and one of the best tools in your mineral makeup arsenal for giving you gorgeous, glowing skin– every day! Still want more? Stay awhile and take a peek at our other blog posts with even more in-depth tutorials on how to get started! Check out How to Apply Healthy Mascara Like a Pro, or find out The One Foundation Mistake You Are Probably Making or even get in the V-day spirit with our sweet, soft, and romantic Valentine’s day look!
Abby is a recent UCSB alum and self proclaimed second-generation hippie with a passion for everything DIY, vegan snickerdoodles, and eco-friendly, sustainable living– in that order. She is happily married to all 6 ½ feet of her wonderful husband, and spends her time taking pictures and writing about about her life in tiny notebooks.
A note from Lisa: Thanks Abby! Beauty hacks make our daily beauty ritual so much more fun. One of my favorites is using my foundation as an eye shadow for those easy makeup days. I think it is a pretty sophisticated look.