Warm, Cool, or Neutral? How To Find Your Skin Tone

Come along and find your skin tone, and your best colors; be your most beautiful self, every day!
One of the hands down coolest things about the Simple Beauty Minerals site is how stinkin’ easy it is to find SO MANY amazing makeup options that have been picked out specifically for your skin tone.No guess work needed!
It’s as easy as following the drop down menus under each tab and clicking onto the section that has been specifically curated with all of the best eyeshadows, cheek colors, or lip colors for your very own personal coloring– just choose between Warm, Cool, and Neutral and you are good to go!
Our super handy drop-down menus in action!
We love this feature because, well, not all of us are color Queens/experts like Lisa! Lucky us though, because she makes finding all of our perfect shades of eyeshadow and blush super easy. Really, drop-down menu navigation is all that’s required ;) Ok, so, now you know how to find all of these awesome, hand-picked, skin tone enhancing, specially curated colors… but maybe you are still wondering how to be sure of which skin tone family you fall into?
If this is you, no worries!
We’ve put together a super simple checklist below to help you figure it out– and if you still have questions, we are here (and happy!) to help– please do feel comfortable to reach out and ask your questions (let us help you out with that right over here!)
Warm Skin?
You might have a warm skin tone if... – You look especially ravishing in gold or gold jewelry – You notice that your veins tend to look green (rather than blue or purple) – Your skin is yellow or golden – Your eyes have an obvious golden hue to them – You have blonde, strawberry blonde, golden brown, or auburn hair.
Warm color palette (top to bottom) Peachcicle Organic Lip Gloss, Nutmeg Mineral Rich Lipstick, Golden Glam Mineral Eye Shadow, Hot Cocoa Mineral Eye Shadow, Peachy Keen Cheek Color, Glimmer Goddess Cheek Color
Alison is a great example of a gorgeous warm skin tone!
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Cool Skin?
You might have a cool skin tone if… – You look especially gorgeous in silver or silver jewelry – You notice that your veins tend to look blue or purple (rather than green) – Your skin is an obvious pink or olive skin tone – Your skin or hair has a bluish hue to it.
Hey look, it's me (Abby)! I have a cool skin tone– see the difference? Alison has a warm glow to her skin, but mine is decidedly cool...
Cool color palette (top to bottom): Berry Blush Lip Crayon, Rose Gold Lipstick, Mauvelous Organic Lip Gloss, Princess Mineral Eye Shadow, Soft Touch Mineral Eye Shadow, Spice Cheek Color;
Because I have a cooler skin tone, my veins tend to show more blue than green! On my mom's wrist, however, they look quite green (especially when she is tan!)
A Bit In Between?
You might have a neutral skin tone if… – None of the above exactly fit or make you say “Aha!” – Gold and Silver both make your skin really “pop” and glow– neither is the obvious winner! – You don’t notice any obvious/dominant undertones or colors that really stands out in your skin such as yellow, pink, or olive, nor any bluish or golden hue. – You are smack dab in the middle!
Neutral color palette (top to bottom) Enchanted to Meet You Lip Shimmer, Champagne Mineral Eye Shadow, Bliss Mineral Eye Shadow, Cocoa Rose Cheek Color, Shell Pink Cheek Color, Timid Cheek Color;
Kasey (left!) and Makena (right!) are a great side by side comparison of cool vs. warm skin tones– Kasey has a beautiful cool skin tone, while Makena has beautiful warm skin tone!
Silver vs. Gold– On my cool skin tone, can you see how much more in harmony the silver appears to be? Fun fact: this is the only piece of (partially!) yellow gold jewelry I have because silver (or white gold) just looks so much nicer with my cool tones!
I have a cool skin tone, although it is a fairly neutral cool– in fact, I actually use the Neutral 2 Perfect Cover Foundation! When it comes to makeup such as blush and eyeshadow I find that cool leaning colors really do compliment my skin and truly make my features pop the absolute best though, even though I do have a somewhat neutral leaning cool coloring going on! All that to say, you can definitely fall a little bit between two categories– skin tones are not an exact science (that’s for sure!) so if you think you might fall somewhere in between sometimes it will take a little playing around and experimenting to find which colors are your absolute favorites– but checking out the colors in whichever categories you seem to fit best (so, in my case that would be cool and neutral!) will surely point you in the right direction!
And, speaking of foundation…
Have you tried our Foundation Shade Finder quiz? This is yet another awesome tool that we offer (it’s free!) to help you easily figure out the right shade of foundation for you! It’s super simple to do– just answer a few questions based on your skin and coloring, and then get specific recommendations for the best Simple Beauty Minerals foundations we have to offer for you and your skin! Pretty cool, right? You can find that right over here!
Abby is a photographer and blogger who never says no to a hot cup of tea or a new shade of lipstick. She lives in Monterey, CA with her husband where they enjoy hiking, cooking/eating everything vegan, and basically living the (neat and tidy) hippie dream. You can follow her @galaxyandglowworm and @abbyroephoto on instagram, or find her + her organic handmade mineral lipsticks HERE.
Note from Lisa: If you're interested in learning more about your skin tone, and what makeup shades look best on you - hit me up! I am happy to work via Skype to help you walk out the door knowing you own it. It's what I love!
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